Archive | March, 2014

Flipping House Series: The Fire House Finale

This issue of our Flipping House Series we take a final look at The Fire House. As you may remember or as the name obviously gives away, this house had suffered a fire a little while back. Through a wholesaler we found this deal after he had gutted the house, but then decided to sell […]

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How a Bedroom Can Sell a Home

  So what area do people spend most of their time in their house? The BEDROOM of course! Studies show that an average person spends about 1/3 of their life in their bedroom…sleeping. You can bet when they are looking at your house, what the bedroom is like is something they will take note of. […]

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Flipping Channels: Flipping Houses TV Shows

Picture this. You are flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch. You go through several stations…the one reoccurring theme for new TV shows? Flipping Houses. Since the crash of 2008 Flipping Houses has become a household term. Pretty much everyone knows a “house flipper” or someone trying to invest in real estate. […]

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Flipping House Series: The Big Basic House

Let’s take a final look at The Big Basic House. With this flip we encountered the usual remodeling needed on an investment home. Part of the reason we named it such 1. It was pretty basic, and 2. It was a little larger than most homes we flip. The Big Basic House turned out great. […]

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Choices for Carpet when Flipping a House

Rarely does our team see a potential flip that doesn’t need a little TLC. And it is even rarer to see one that doesn’t need new carpet. Updating the flooring in a house that we are flipping is kind of a no brainer. Pretty much we see it this way: You as an REI have 3 […]

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Market Watch: Green Bay, WI

When someone hears the city name Green Bay, it is hard to think of anything but the famous Cheeseheads of the Green Bay Packers. Not many realize the actual Cheesehead headquarters is the oldest city in the state of Wisconsin. Though it is the oldest, it is only the third largest city after Madison and Milwakee. […]

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Flipping House Series: The Tree House Finale

Let’s take a final look at the next house in our Flipping House Series, The Tree House. It was of course was surrounded by trees. So after we replaced the gutters which were damaged by falling tree limbs, cutting and trimming trees around the front, updating the landscaping, the front of The Tree House is […]

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Why Setting Goals is Important

  A few blogs ago we talked about becoming successful at investing in real estate. One of the key components we mentioned when building your REI business is setting goals. We start with the question of “Why do you want to start investing in real estate?” The answer to this can be different for many […]

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More Millionaires Investing in Real Estate

  Once again investing in real estate is ranking among the top picks for millionaire investors. A few weeks ago. Morgan Stanley released results of an in depth survey asking numerous investing questions to over 1,004 U.S. investors. The investors age 25 to 75, with $100,000 or more in investable household financial assets overwhelmingly stated investing […]

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Flipping House Series: The Junk House Finale

The Junk House has turned out great. As you may remember this was a foreclosure that had a little more of the previous owners left over than we would have liked. Junk, junk, everywhere junk. Not to mention the kitchen was very dated and the carpet had to be replaced. But the hardwood floors bonus […]

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