Tag Archives: houses not to buy

Flipping House Series: The Money “Drain” House Part One

One of the memorable things about The Money “Drain” House is that it had a patio outside the walkout basement door that filled up with water when it rained and the water leaked into the basement.  This of course happened AFTER our team bought it.  So, our team had to fix a problem that we had not planned on […]

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Mold…mmmm Smells Like Money

Ahhhh..mold. That smelly, icky stuff that most home buyers think is a deal breaker. In the flipping world what might deter some potential home buyers might just be your ticket to a great deal.  Now that smells like….money! But not long ago news reports of mold-related illnesses and lawsuits against home builders scared the public […]

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Houses Not to Buy –Part 2

After we posted our lists of “Houses Not to Buy”, we had several of our readers send in their own ideas of houses not to buy when flipping. We thought we would put together another list that experienced flippers also warned to stay away from. What better way to save time and money than to […]

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Flipping Houses 201: Houses Not to Buy

Fire-Damaged? Great! Structural Issue? No problem.  Mold?  Mmmm….Smells like money!  Most of the time, distressed properties and your run of the mill “ugly” or “dated” houses are hot pickings when flipping houses.  But there are properties out there that you should avoid at all costs.  Here are 8 properties that make our list of houses not to […]

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