Hot Colors to Warm Your House This Winter

finding the right color

Which color?

In October, Pottery Barn announced its Fall/ Winter color picks. This seasonal palette is the result of a partnership with Sherwin-Williams for determining the best winter looks.  As we all know, there are so many paint color choices that it can be a daunting task to find just the “perfect” color.   This can be especially true when you are trying to sell a remodeled home.   Here’s a quick “go to” list to help.  What’s nice about this palette is that it’s reduced to a manageable number of choices as to not be too overwhelming.


Pottery Barn Sherwin Williams Fall Winter 2013 Paint Palette How to Choose the Perfect Wall Color


We all know that color can sell your home and a fresh coat of paint should always make your Property Repair Estimate Sheet. But when you are filling out your Scope of Work be sure to be conscious of what paint colors will go with the over all look of the house.  While you want to be generally neutral, keep in mind the most likely end-buyer as you are making your selections.  A young urban neighborhood may require different selections than a mid-range family home.

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Erik Hitzelberger has been Real Estate Investor since 2007. While learning the ropes in the market down-cycle, he now teaches others how to use his systems and leverage other people’s expertise to achieve their own goals.

Erik Hitzelberger – who has written posts on Part Time REI.

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About Erik Hitzelberger

Erik Hitzelberger has been Real Estate Investor since 2007. While learning the ropes in the market down-cycle, he now teaches others how to use his systems and leverage other people's expertise to achieve their own goals.

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