My House isn’t selling, Now what?

We are very excited to welcome our guest blogger this week…

Christine Rae CSP International™

Best Selling Author, Speaker, Real Estate Staging Expert


If your property is sitting on the market, not receiving offers, or has offers less than you expect then there is something wrong. Either the price does not reflect the true value of the property OR the condition of the property does not support the price either way you are faced with a dilemma.  How do you get a second chance if you failed to capitalize on the first opportunity?

People are profoundly impacted by what they see, hear and smell; never before in history has it been so important to fully prepare property for sale before anyone sees it.

When you want to sell property in the shortest time possible and for the highest ROI then “Good enough” is not appropriate language.  In my experience home sellers often fail to understand that literally everything counts when selling.  However long the property has sat, the marketing message has been “will you buy my old house? It needs to change to “Come buy your new home”
Think beauty pageant and you will get the idea.  So at this late stage of the game, how can you change the old adage of “you never get a second chance to make a great first impression?”

I have three recommendations: The first thing to do is to take down the For Sale sign and stow it away for when you are really ready; the second thing is fully prepare the property for sale and third have your real estate professional draft a new marketing plan.

Research shows that the most people ever to view your property will come during the first ten days it is on the market; the challenge now is how to get them back.  It is likely very difficult, more often than not that ship has sailed, it is time for a new marketing strategy.

Professional staging is the answer and the missing link to revitalise a flagging real estate market.  Today’s buyers expect a well presented, well maintained house you had better get the most help possible to make your house memorable.  Are you saying WHY? Well more than 63% of buyers are actually willing to pay more money for a house that is “move- in” ready! What that means to sellers is every effort put forth to make the property move in ready will move you closer to offers you will be thrilled to accept.


Some of my top tips which often get overlooked are:


  • § Have a pre-sale home inspection done; – check for all fine details and ensure price and condition match
  • § Review every space floor to ceiling inside and out; assess does it need to be: cleaned, replaced, repaired, refreshed, renewed, packed and or painted
  • § Hire a professional staging consultant who truly understands the difference between staging for sale and decorating for living will ensure your dollars are wisely invested


Buyers buy emotionally; in the end it is their perception of value which counts not yours.


By: Christine Rae




Erik Hitzelberger has been Real Estate Investor since 2007. While learning the ropes in the market down-cycle, he now teaches others how to use his systems and leverage other people’s expertise to achieve their own goals.

Erik Hitzelberger – who has written posts on Part Time REI.

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About Erik Hitzelberger

Erik Hitzelberger has been Real Estate Investor since 2007. While learning the ropes in the market down-cycle, he now teaches others how to use his systems and leverage other people's expertise to achieve their own goals.

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