Flipping Houses-That 70’s House: Part 2

Let’s take a look at how That 70’s House is coming along. I am sure you remember why we named this house aptly so.

So yes we are removing everything that is not from this decade. Check out the pictures below of the kitchen and dining rooms.

wallpaper house

wallpaper house















Next we dealt with the landscaping issues. Here’s a look at what we are working on.

wallpaper house

cleaning up the yard










Here are so more in progress shots of the rest of the house. Be sure to check back soon to see how That 70’s House turns out and how we get it sold!

wallpaper house

Gutting kitchen

wallpaper house

Fireplace Surround


wallpaper house





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Erik Hitzelberger has been Real Estate Investor since 2007. While learning the ropes in the market down-cycle, he now teaches others how to use his systems and leverage other people’s expertise to achieve their own goals.

Erik Hitzelberger – who has written posts on Part Time REI.

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About Erik Hitzelberger

Erik Hitzelberger has been Real Estate Investor since 2007. While learning the ropes in the market down-cycle, he now teaches others how to use his systems and leverage other people's expertise to achieve their own goals.

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